Telehealth consultations for patients who undertake blood tests at home
Democratising healthcare through increasing access to testing has been Hurdle’s mission for years, and to really achieve this we need to ensure that test results enable patients to make decisions about their health. So we are proud to announce that we have launched a comprehensive telehealth service that can be delivered alongside our partners’ test results.
Products are only as good as the problems they solve
Whilst our test results are delivered with accompanying explanation copy, in many cases the patient will need to discuss their results with a clinician. Now they can have a video or telephone consultation with a clinician 7 days a week.
Critical results in remote testing
Some partners only use our telehealth service for critical results, whereby an alert is triggered by the lab for a result which requires immediate medical attention and the patient is called and given an appropriate review and signposted if they need emergency care. We offer this service free of charge to all our partners as part of our duty of care for all patients that take tests via our network. In addition to the ethical and legal obligations, we undertake this to ensure compliance with ISO 15189:2022.
Sexual health test results
Results of tests for sexually transmitted infections need to be managed sensitively. All results should be accompanied by comprehensive and easy to understand patient education. But where the result is positive there is an additional need for tailored advice and the opportunity for the patient to ask questions. Our partners can now offer telehealth consultations alongside positive, or all, results for sexually transmitted infections.
On-demand telehealth consultations
We also offer on-demand consultations to our partners, where their patients can book a consultation following receiving their test results.
Results formats
For those partners that don’t want to use our telehealth service, but want their patients to be able to take the results to their own GP, we have added a PDF-download feature so that patients can send their results directly to their doctor, or print it off and take it to the surgery.
Establishing test credibility
Another problem we have solved for patients is the reluctance of many NHS GPs to trust test results from private providers. Now our test results can be delivered alongside an easy to read factsheet which advises the doctor of the accuracy of each biomarker, enabling them to make informed decisions on how to manage their patient.
Patient care and safety is at the heart of everything we do at Hurdle, providing our partners with confidence and peace of mind.
See more of how Hurdle can enable you to offer testing to your patients at
Author: Dr Adam Abbs