New Test Launches
Whilst Hurdle specialises in fully customizable end to end testing solutions for partners, we see increasing demand for a core set of tests that are available ‘off-the-shelf’ to speed up the time to launch. We have expanded our plug and play blood testing catalogue to cover key test needs for customers looking to onboard a portfolio of clinically applicable blood tests.
For at-home capillary testing kits, including the Tasso+ kit option, we’ve expanded product options in male and female health with hormones and fertility panels, as well as menopause related hormones and an advanced thyroid screen. And we’ve added more options for testing metabolic health and key nutrients including omega 3 and 6 fatty acids to help people maintain a healthy diet.
We have also added key use case testing for Lyme disease – the pernicious bacterial infection from tick bites that can cause chronic symptoms in thousands of people each year in the UK, digestive health screening for Helicobacter pylori antibodies – a pathogenic bacteria that can cause ulcers and digestive issues over time, and a rheumatoid screening test for autoimmune conditions.
We’re also excited to be launching an advanced at-home hearth health screening test that includes apolipoprotein A1, apolipoprotein B, B:A1 ratio, lipoprotein (a), and Lp-PLA2 (PLAC), giving more insight into lifestyle induced and inherited risk of cardiovascular disease.
Through our nationwide phlebotomy network we’re able to offer an expanded range of blood panels covering broad health areas for those wanting to plug in a more complete range of tests. The nature and logistics of venous blood testing allows more specific tests for electrolytes, coagulation screening, and glandular fever screening. Our extended biomarker panels curated by our medical team cover male and female health, and are available with mobile home-visit nurses for patient convenience.